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How Sports Can Help Your Child Develop Life Skills

How Sports Can Help Your Child Develop Life Skills

Posted by Ringor on Jul 17th 2019

One of the most popular activities that your child can try to get into at a young age is taking up a sport. According to the NCAA, “Nearly eight million students currently participate in high school athletics in the United States.” Not only is it a fun activity for the youth, but it often proves to be extremely valuable. Children can learn a lot of life skills through sports that can build character. Plus, since it takes place in a controlled environment, athletics are a positive and safe way to shape someone for adulthood. Learn all about how sports can help your child develop life skills.

Time Management

When your child joins a sport, there are certain responsibilities they must take on. This includes expectations such as getting to practice on time or attending every game. If a player doesn’t do this, there may be consequences. Any discipline will typically come in a form that sends the message across—the coach may have the individual run extra laps or stay at practice later than the others. Sports holds athletes accountable, which will instantly teach kids the consequences that come with poor scheduling or showing up late.

Respecting Others

Another reason young players may receive a small punishment is due to disrespecting their peers and elders. When you play a sport, you’re expected to listen to the coaches and do what they ask. It can be a mind game for some but learning how to handle orders is an important part of life. Even if a coach yells a lot, your child still has to treat them with respect. This also goes for the team and treating each other with respect to get the job done. Sportsmanship with their peers as well as opposing players will teach your child to be mindful and respectful of those around them.


There will be times when your child’s team will hit adversity, usually in the form of losing. When this happens, it’s a great time to encourage your child to become a leader and reunite the team. Sports are an excellent environment to learn leadership skills. Maintaining a positive attitude and keeping others motivated is something that kids can use in many other situations outside of sports.


One of the most obvious benefits that come from sports is teamwork. This concept follows many of us throughout our entire lives. Learning how to put aside differences and come together to achieve a shared goal is not just something kids need when playing sports. They can use this approach at school and work in the future.

Communicating with Others

Another important aspect of sports that applies to many situations throughout life is communication. In sports, communication is something many don’t think about, but it is an important part of any game. No matter the sport, it gives young kids the opportunity to socialize with others and converse, which can be a hard thing to come by in today’s digital age.

Working Under Pressure

It’s typical to feel pressure during a game. From coaches yelling to time running out, figuring out how to work under these conditions can help your child a lot in the long run. It’s an opportunity for them to learn how to control their emotions and focus on the task at hand.

Handling Criticism

In sports, your child may face a lot of criticism and it is important for them to learn how to handle and work through it. To understand constructive criticism and use it as fuel for motivation is a good tactic to master at an early age. If a coach yells at your child, don’t take it to heart—it is just them showing that they care about your child performing well.

Hard Work

Any sport will teach its players that if you put in the work, you will get rewarded. While sports can be fun, it can also be difficult as you improve your skill and advance levels. Being able to learn perseverance and not give up on what you want as it gets more demanding can play into how your child will approach life. They’ll leave with the lesson that if you want anything in life, you are going to have to work for it.


Committing to something and sticking with it is another powerful ability that will help your child succeed in life. There will always be a point when things get difficult; however, being able to stick with it when times are tough instead of quitting is an extremely valuable characteristic to have.


The real world is a competitive place. The great thing about sports is that it can teach your child how to be competitive in a safe setting. Contending with the person next to you and pushing yourself to do your best is helpful in many real-life situations. Through sports, your child will gain the ability to push themselves and develop a good drive.


Every sport has plenty of ups and downs, but the good times can be extremely beneficial to a child’s wellbeing. Knowing what it feels like to fail and succeed can instill confidence in your child and provide them with a strong sense of character. Things aren’t always going to go our way and knowing how to cope with that is essential; being able to push through and have this mindset can set your child apart from the rest.

Healthy Lifestyle

The final life skill that your kid can obtain from sports is adopting a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy life is something that can be incredibly beneficial for your child once they become an adult. By playing sports at a young age and having an active lifestyle early on, it sets the stage for healthy habits in the future.

From baseball to basketball, there are many beneficial activities you and your child can choose from. Sports are all about coming of age—between getting your first molded softball cleats to trying out for the high school team, sports can help your child develop many necessary life skills. It is all about learning, adapting, and creating a positive impact on someone’s life. Your child doesn’t have to be the most athletic one on the field to get something out their chosen sport. There is so much more to athletic activities than just winning and losing; they offer the building blocks needed for a successful life.

How Sports Can Help Your Child Develop